Bindle Binaries Software Licenses


Bindle Binaries Standard License

All rights reserved. This program or any part thereof may not, without the written consent of Bindle Binaries, be copied, reprinted, or reproduced in any material form including but not limited to photocopying, transcribing, transmitting, or storing it in any medium or translating it into any language, in any form or by any means, be it electronic, mechanical, xerographic, optical, magnetic or otherwise.

The information contained in this program is proprietary and confidential and all copyright, trade marks, trade names, patents and other intellectual property rights in the documentation and source code are the exclusive property of Bindle Binaries unless otherwise specified. The information (including but not limited to data, drawings, specification, documentation, software listings, source or object code) shall not at any time be disclosed directly or indirectly to any third party without Bindle Binaries's prior written consent.

The information contained herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. Bindle Binaries accepts no responsibility for its use by any means or in any way whatsoever. Bindle Binaries shall not be liable for any expenses, costs by damage that may result from the use of the information contained within this program. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.